Here are some frequently asked questions

If you don’t find the information you need, we’d love to hear from you at or on 0479071991

Do you do same day delivery? Yes! we try our best to offer same day delivery until 5pm. Put your order through and we will contact you if there is a problem.

Where do you deliver? We deliver to a 20km radius of our store in Braddon ACT. If you’re out by a few kms, give us a call and we can advise you on the extra charge/arrange your delivery.

Do you do events? Of course! We love working on florals for all kinds of events and our skillset isn’t limited to the bright, obnoxious colour that you see on our site (it’s just our typical vibe).

Do I have to pre order? No! You can walk into the store or call anytime during opening hours and buy flowers. We strongly advise ordering in advance for specific flowers and big or specific arrangements.

How do I look after my flowers? Flowers are EASY, they just want fresh water and a clean vase. Trim the ends and be sure to take off any excess foliage from the stems. Every few days, change the water and recut the stems. Make sure they are in a relatively cooler part of the house. Take out any flowers that die sooner than others.

Where are your flowers sourced from? We do our best to source as much local product as possible. This includes growers in Canberra and surrounds, the southern highlands and regional NSW. Sometimes to get everything you love, we need to order from Melbourne and Sydney flower markets.

What do I do if I need to change delivery details? Call or email us! We always have a device nearby and are happy to help.

Do you have a favourite artist? YES. Taylor Swift.

What is your typical price range? We offer baby bunches in store from $45, small posies start at $55, medium bouquets for $75 - $85, larger bouquets starting at $110 and then all the bigger custom stuff from $150. However, you’re always welcome to come and select single stems that we can gift wrap for you.

My order has been fulfilled but I have a problem, who do I talk to? Please get in touch with us via email or phone right away! Lauren and Gracey are here to help!

Can I order market bunches to arrange or play with myself? Yes! We offer bunches as are, straight from market for you to take home and play with or for your next event if you’re a DIY type person.